Yo peepz. Fuck you! - Nah, but I'm pissed. Had a really bad evening & I'm drunk as fuck. I was at some fucked up place with just metal music & my homies left because they had to work early tomorrow and eventually I left too. Anyway, lets jump to the review of the music instead shall we..
As you might have noticed I've always been a fan of the rugged type of shit thus I figured I'd share some more rugged shit for you.
Here is The Henchmen which is one of my favorite groups, no doubt. I don't want to explain why, really. They are from Bronx, New York! Be the fuck ware!
I'll start off with their first release which is called "Beware: Lyricly Dangerous" and just as the last post I did this is some rugged stuff but this time the flow of the music is better & the production is more on point compared to the previous post. The quality isn't perfect but you should be able to fix that since it is 256 quality. The winner for me is defenetly "Wartime". Whatcha think, homeboy? There ain't much information about this release but I would guess it was released in 1993 by the sound of it.
So you liked their first and I guess and you want more..Aight, here is their second release called What U Gonna Do? This was realeased on Ill Cyde Records and the year is still 1994. This is my favorite of their releases. The winner is defenetly "Flippin' With The Henchmen" for me eventhough "What U Gonna Do" is a splendid track as well, no doubt. I know many headz may find it their best and I wont blame you for that son.
Daaaaaaaam! This shit makes you fucked up doesn't it?
I guess I gotta put their final release on this shit too..
Okey, here is their final release which is called "Rough And Rugged". This was released on South Bronx Records in 1996. I find this their weakest release eventhough the beat on "Rough And Rough" is on point but as with so many other releases you can easily hear it on their voice that they're tired and doesn't go out with the same willingness as their other releases, maybe they just FUCKING LOST THEIR TALENT ALL OF A SUDDEN WHEN THE YEAR 1996 HIT (Semi-sarcasm). I'm fucked up, but really - I'm just so used to groups losing the realness after a while.
Enjoy the stuff I posted guys, these are not easy to find & I've spent shitloads of months trying to get them. This is the only post I'll make today because I'm so fucking drunk right now & I want to roll this weed I got infront of me but I'm not sure I'll make it. Infact I'm really amazed I even managed to make this long post, lol. It took me 1h and 15 minutes though..
one of the sickest record i ever heard....love dat shit!
SvaraRaderathese Henchmen releases are really nice!!
SvaraRaderaThank you very much!
thank you SO much for uploading such a good material! ^^
SvaraRaderagreets from Barcelona