Had a request to share this dope LP. Tracks are from '89 to '93, but the LP was released in '95. If anyone is holding their other release feel free to share it! Obviously these guys are from New York. Sadly there is one track missing on it, but I hope you'll manage anyway. I also want to give some shoutouts to born2wice for sharing it to me!
Thanks !!!
SvaraRaderaSo you're posting this up when you're not even the one who ripped it from the vinyl or took the picture of it? I think that's kinda lame. *shaking head*
SvaraRaderaNope! I don't own this vinyl. As I wrote on the information it was shared to me by a friend which ripped it. Does it matter?
SvaraRaderaYES, it DOES matter! A person posting up music on their blog should be posting up music THEY ACTUALLY OWN AND RIPPED THEMSELF!! Otherwise, any fuckin clown can have a blog posting up shit they dont even own. L A M E ! ! ! You call yourself aREAL, yet you oughta GET REAL! *shaking head*
SvaraRaderaHe wanted me to post it as he don't have a blog and I did so. Seriously, what is wrong with you?
SvaraRaderahaha this shit is funny man, i bet he downloaded this, there is always someone talking shit instead talking music, i mean that's what is all about right, PG man ingore those clowns,,, and keep posting heat, as lot of people appreciate your work,. peace
SvaraRaderaDen här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
SvaraRaderayea man! FUCK THAT SHAUN BITCH! Who the hell cares as long as the music is dope and the information is on point! what you are doing is priceless aREAL
SvaraRaderaYo Henri, go suck yourself a really fat & long cock. Word up!
SvaraRaderaBut yo, it's true that the music should be dope and that's what really should matter, but come on, dude needs to be posting up shit HE ACTUALLY OWNS AND ACTUALLY RIPPER HIMSELF!!
Yo CrimeFamily, my record, tape and cd collection probably shits on your whole LIFE, son! I been buyin tapes since '84, vinyl since '89 and cd's since '90. I got over 17,000 vinyls (original pressings) and over 2,000 cd's (original issues). Most of the shit aREAL aka "Get Real" has posted I actually own. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
like i give a fuck. You should melt all your cd's vinyls and tapes and make a very big vinyl DICK, so u can worship it every day and suck it once in a while. Word Up.
SvaraRaderaaaww did i hurt your feelings shaun? im so sorry, what i meant to say was stop being such a baby! You sound like the kid next door who's at the negative age man! That's baaaaad. And besides, can you, in a logical way, explain to me why it's so important to own all the tracks you post? And please, no gangsta-talk and suck this and that etc. this time. That's just plain and simple covering up your stupidity and inability to argue. Word up to that!
SvaraRaderaplease re-up