01-troubleneck brothers-hectic-1994
02-misfits of madness-explosions (shorty)-1994
03-e.c.-every hood in the ill-1992
04-rampage-the last boyscout (mad niggas on the run)-1992
05-the rebels-yuup, yuup-1995
06-villain-steady life-199x
07-the zone-jazzy phunkadelphia-1996
08-main one-check da skillz (moriarty blend)-1995
10-whodini-do it again-1994
11-young but strong-in like a lion, out like a lamb-199x
12-prince ikey c-the doobie-1992
13-next chapter-skills!-1992
14-dope and a gun-can i get open?-1992
15-born supreme brothers-how i live-1994
16-t-bone-jabbin the jaw-1993
17-john doe-night time right time-199x
18-kings of swing-the blunted-1993
19-a.l.-it ain't life-1995
20-legion of doom-mad man's dream-1992
21-posse nfx-the king-1991
Dope comp. I been lookin for that A.L. joint for YEARS! Is there a 12" for it?
SvaraRaderathanks, it's from a tape.
SvaraRadera100 downloads and just one comment?
SvaraRaderayeea specialy thancks man for all great music you up load, thanx bery much ma friend, hugs from mexico city!!!
and keepign the real shit